A child with a "heavy" cold and a hacking cough belongs home in bed, even though she/he may have no fever.
Sore Throat:
If your child complains of pain in his or her throat and has no other symptoms, contact the school nurse on how to proceed. If white spots can be seen in the back of the throat or if fever is present, keep your child home until a the school nurse and your family doctor approve returning to school.
No child with fever over 37 degrees should be sent to school. Children with fevers will not be allowed to remain in school. A child who had a fever should not return to school until the fever has not reoccurred for at least 48 hours.
If vomiting occurs, keep your child home until she/he can keep food down and has not vomited for 48 hours. If your child vomits at school, the school nurse will tend to the child and ask the parents or legal guardian to pick him/her up.
A child with diarrhea should be kept at home until symptom free for 48 hours.
A rash may be the first sign of one of childhood's many illnesses, such as measles or chicken pox. DO NOT send a child with a rash of any kind, shape, color, or covering any body space regardless of how minimal, to school until your doctor and the school nurse have said that it is safe to do so.
In order to encourage the development of personal discipline, it is the student's responsibility upon his/her return to school to obtain and carry out any work missed because of absence. Teachers will assist in a reasonable way. MISSED WORK WILL NOT BE GIVEN IN ADVANCE OF AN ABSENCE.